

Discover F.O.E

Fall Outdoor Education
3 intensive fall semester courses which explore leadership activities, sustainable practices and health & safety in an outdoor setting and the environmental impact of these activities. The intent of this course is to sensitize students to the skills, activities, structure, leadership, and supervision of a recreational camp program while building an awareness of both their own needs and the needs of others while in a camp or residential setting. Students will be expected to monitor their thoughts, feelings, observations, needs, interests and learning. Through participating in all aspects of camp life, students should gain understanding and build desirable behavior, attitudes, and skills useful to a recreation professional. Students are expected to reinvest these skills and knowledge throughout the CRLT Program.
- Retrieved from Dawson College website .
F.O.E learnings
1rst year 2nd year 3rd year
Competencies observation of Nature leadership, health & safety, etc. Nature recreation leadership, environmental issues, etc. Camp leadership, programming, implementing, leading. etc.

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Thursday, January 30th

Monday, February 17th

Wednesday, February 26th

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